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Child Therapist


We use the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Second Edition (ADOS-2) as a semi-structured, standardized assessment of Communication, Social interaction, Play, and Restricted and Repetitive Behaviours for individuals who have been referred because of possible autism or other pervasive developmental disorders.


This assessment may be required by a paediatrician to complete an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. 

Image by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu


The Cognitive Assessment is designed to measure intelligence and cognitive ability in children and adults. Primarily this assessment can determine an individual’s intellectual strengths and weaknesses. This is usually done through a process called pattern analysis, in which the various subtests' scores are compared to one another. This assessment option can determine one’s level of intelligence. This assessment is also useful as a clinical tool to inform practitioners and educators to the likelihood of comorbid neurodevelopmental conditions.

Image by Markus Spiske


In addition to the cognitive assessment, we can also determine an individual’s level of impairment through an assessment of daily living in individuals with possible developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders, and sensory or physical impairments.
In addition to the Cognitive Assessment the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System 3 (ABAS-3) covers three broad domains: conceptual, social, and practical. This package is aimed for individuals suspected of having an intellectual impairment. This assessment includes a cognitive assessment and an assessment every day living skills (adaptive functioning) for 6 to 89 year olds.

This form of assessment may be required to access academic supports, special school entry or NDIS funding.

Stacking Blocks


Our Learning Disorder Assessment package is the assessment package to choose when your child is having learning difficulties. The assessment helps parents and teachers to understand reasons for your child's difficulties. In addition to the Cognitive Assessment, Academic achievement testing is conducted to assess a Specific Learning Disorder (e.g., Dyslexia, Dyscalculia or Dysgraphia).

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